Jr. Beta Club

7th Grade

Kristen Graham

Morgan Gillentine

MacKenzie Cagle

Andrea Blanton

Hope Kennedy

Cat Aters

Olivia Hamner

Leah Graham

Emily Kemp

Jamie Holland

Jessica Williams

8th Grade

Justin Smith

Kadie Conwill

Ben Booth

Dylan Morse

Audrey Yielding

Sam Murphree


President: Audrey Yielding

Vice-President: Sam Murphree

Treasurer: Ben Booth

Secretary: Andrea Blanton


The Beta Club

    The Beta Club is a way to help students want to make good grades. Each student must have an A or a B to be able to be accepted. The Beta Club awards students by recognition and a trip. The students get awards at the end of the year who are in the Beta Club. The Beta Club helps students strive to do good in school. Some of the students wouldn't try to make good grades if it wasn't for the Beta Club. That is why it's important to be able to have the Beta Club.




                                                                                                                                                                                             By: Ashley Russell